Our Services

What We Do

The Solution for Engineering New Technology and Innovative Research (SENTIR) exists to connect researchers with the support needed to solve the country’s technological and scientific problems. In addition to the support provided during research and development phases, SENTIR’s network of research and business professionals help researchers prepare their solutions for commercial or governmental application.

SENTIR’s unique researcher-first focus affords investigators the opportunity to explore largely free of the usual limitations. SENTIR shines in its ability to reduce the usual red tape associated with conducting advanced scientific and technological research. SENTIR connects researchers with the independent support of those who believe in American ingenuity. This dedication to researcher autonomy is predicated on the belief that researchers produce their most significant results when given the freedom to perform unencumbered.

Headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, SENTIR brings cutting-edge research and development opportunities to what is usually deemed “fly-over country” USA. With Midwestern sensibilities come a dedication to integrity. The intellectual property of SENTIR researchers is fully respected and guarded against disingenuous entanglements.


Spark Session

The road to the deployment of innovative solutions is paved with diverse specializations.

A business professional may struggle with the research and development of a lucrative idea. A talented scientist or engineer may not know how to acquire adequate funding for their research. To solve such problems and many others, the business instigators of SENTIR Research Labs are excited to collaborate with you to help grow the companies of tomorrow, today.  To make this a reality, SENTIR presents its Spark Sessions.

SENTIR’s Spark Sessions are unique opportunities for those with solution-development challenges to collaborate with SENTIR’s diverse panel experts to receive professional input. These experts range in specialization from scientific research, government contracting, commercial business growth, and beyond. During a Spark Session, the project and challenges are presented to the said panel of experts in a collaborative and confidential environment. Following the presentation, the panel reply with their professional recommendations for further collaboration and instigation.

If you have a challenge keeping you from bringing your solution to the world, SENTIR Research Labs invites you to apply for your very own Spark Session.

Our Services


SENTIR Research Labs supports a unique researcher-first approach to its operation. The founders and earliest supporters of SENTIR started the company to provide researchers with the opportunity to tackle the most complex issues with the utmost creativity. SENTIR believes that this level of focus and insight is only possible when researchers are shielded from the bureaucratic noise and red tape that obstructs the progression of groundbreaking research.

Criteria or application do not limit the research projects conducted through SENTIR Research Labs. Most forms of scientific and technological research projects are eligible for consideration. SENTIR welcomes ingenuity in order to solve the country’s most pressing problems.

SENTIR researchers are free to conduct research and development with little if any interference thanks to the supportive staff of SENTIR Research Labs. Experienced lab staff and project management specialists are on hand to assist researchers with their endeavors.



Bringing a solution to the market isn’t easy. One aspect of the researcher-friendly attitude of SENTIR Research Labs is to take up the task of handling the commercialization of developed products and viable solutions. SENTIR’s leading commercialization professionals specialize in preparing groundbreaking discoveries and products for commercial or governmental deployment. SENTIR’s experienced commercialization experts handle all aspects of bringing researcher solutions to market or for government use.

These commercialization tasks include coordinating necessary patent and legal filings, manufacturing, sales, distribution, marketing, and much more. Leaving these responsibilities to the commercialization specialists allows researchers to maintain their focus on research and development efforts.

The commercialization of the solutions developed by SENTIR researchers also provides independent supporters with a uniquely American investment opportunity. For those who believe in the United States’ role in developing innovative scientific and technological solutions, they needn’t look further for incredible investment opportunities that also benefit the country as a whole.